

Graboski AL, Simpson JB, Pellock SJ, Mehta N, Creekmore BC, Ariyarathna Y, Bhatt AP, Sekela JJ, Kowalewski ME, Barker NK, Mordant AL, Borlandelli VB, Overkleeft H, Herring LE, Jin J, James LI, & Redinbo MR (2024). Advanced piperazine-containing inhibitors target microbial β-glucuronidases linked to gut toxicity. RSC Chemical Biology. dot: 10.1039/d4cb00058g

Simpson JB, Walker ME, Sekela JJ, Ivey SM, Jariwla PB, Storch CM, Kowalewski ME, Graboski AL, Lietzan AD, Walton WG, Davis KA, Cloer EW, Borlandelli V, Hsiao YC, Roberts LR, Perlman DH, Liang X, Overkleeft HS, Bhatt AP, Lu K, & Redinbo MRR (2024). Gut microbial β-glucuronidases influence endobotic homeostasis and are modulated by diverse theraputics. Cell Host & Microbe 32(6), 925-944.

Cross TL, Simpson AMR, Lin CY, Hottmann NM, Bhatt AP, Pellock SJ, Nelson ER, Loman BR, Wallig MA, Vivas EI, Suchodolski J, Redinbo MR, Rey FE, & Swanson KS (2024). Gut microbiome responds to alteration in female sex hormone status and exacerbates metabolic dysfunction. Gut Microbes. 2024; 16(1): 2295429. PMID:38153260

Kristen P, Ziemons J, Hillege L, Jong E, Valkenburg L, Vos J, Deenen M, Hulshof E, Hellemond I, Vestijens H, Dietvorst AM, Baars A, Vermeulen L, Elbers C, Buffart T, Borghuis L, Redinbo MR, Penders J, Smidt M, & Russ E (2024). OPTIMA study protocol: optimal survival and quality of life in colorectal cancer patients with irinotecan doising based UGT1A1 genotype, gut microbiota enzyme activity and tumour molecular profiling. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 50(2), 107661, Feb 2024.


Sarpsh A, Kwong SM, Jensen SO, Northern F, Walton WG, Eakes TC, Redinbo MR, Firth N, & McLaughlin KJ (2023). pSK41/pGO1-family conjugative plasmids of Staphylococcus aureus encode a cryptic repressor of replication. Plasmid 128, 102708.

Basit A, Amory JK, Mettu VS, Li CY, Heyward S, Jariwala PB, Redinbo MR, & Prasad B (2023). Relevance of Human Aldoketoreductases and Microbial b-Glucuronidases in Testosterone Disposition. Drug Metab Dispos. 2023 Apr; 51(4): 427-435. PMID:36623880

Carlson DL, Kowalewski ME, Bodoor K, Lietzan AD, Hughes PF, Gooden D, Loiselle DR, Alcorta D, Dingman Z, Mueller EA, Irnov I, Modla S, Chaya T, Caplan J, Embers M, Miller JC, Jacobs-Wagmer C, Redinbo MR, Spector N, & Haystead TA (2023). Targeting Borrelia burgdorferi HtpG with a berserker molecule, a strategy for anti-microbial development. Cell Chemical Biology, Nov 1: S2451-9459(23)00340-9.

Graboski AL, Kowalewski ME, Simpson JS, Cao X, Ha M, Zhang J, Walton WG, Flaherty DP, & Redimbo MR (2023). Mechanisms-based inhibition of gut microbial tryptophanses reduces serum indoxyl sulfate. Cell Chemical Biology, Aug 12;S2451-9456(23)00244-1.

Simpson JB, Sekela JJ, Carry BS, Beaty V, Patel S, & Redinbo MR. (2023). Diverse but desolate landscape of gut microbial azoreductases: A rationale for idiopathic IBD drug response. Gut Microbes, 15(1).

Lietzan AD, Simpson JB, Walton WG, Jariwala PB, Xu Y, Boynton MH, Liu J, & Redinbo MR. (2023). Microbial β-glucuronidases drive human periodontal disease etiology. Science Advances, 9(18).

Foley M, Walker ME, Stewart AK, O’Flaherty S, Gentry EC, Patel S, Beaty V, Allen G, Pan M, Simpson JB, Perkins C, Vanhoy ME, Dougherty MK, McGill MK, Gulati AS, Dorrestein PC, Baker ES, Redinbo MR, Barrangou R, Theriot CM. Bile salt hydrolases shape the bile acid landscape and restrict Clostridioides difficile growth in the murine gut. Nat Microbiol 8, 611–628 (2023).


Kerins A, Koszycyarek M, Smith C, Butler P, Riley R, Madgula V, Naik N, Redinbo MR, & Wilson ID. The in vitro metabolism and in vivo pharmacokinetics of bacterial b-glucuronidase inhibitor UNC10201652. Xenobiotica. 2022 Aug; 52(8): 904-915. PMID: 36149349.

Simpson JB, Redinbo MR. Multi-omic analysis of host-microbial interactions central to the gut-brain axis. Mol Omics. 2022 Dec 5;18(10):896-907. doi: 10.1039/d2mo00205a. PMID: 36169030.

Simpson JB, Sekela JJ, Graboski AL, Borlandelli VB, Bivins MM, Barker NK, Sorgen AA, Mordant AL, Johnson RL, Bhatt AP, Fodor AA, Herring LE, Overkleeft H, Lee JR, Redinbo MR. Metagenomics combined with activity-based proteomics point to gut bacterial enzymes that reactivate mycophenolate. Gut Microbes. 2022 Jan-Dec;14(1):2107289. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2107289. PMID: 35953888; PMCID: PMC9377255.

Conway JM, Walton WG, Salas-González I, Law TF, Lindberg CA, Crook LE, Kosina SM, Fitzpatrick CR, Lietzan AD, Northen TR, Jones CD, Finkel OM, Redinbo MR, and Dangl JL. Diverse MarR bacterial regulators of auxin catabolism in the plant microbiome. Nat Microbiol 7, 1817–1833 (2022).

Zhang J, Walker ME, Sanidad KZ, Zhang H, Liang Y, Zhao E, Chacon-Vargas K, Yeliseyev V, Parsonnet J, Haggerty TD, Wang G, Simpson J, Jariwala P, Beaty V, Yang J, Yang H, Panigrahy A, Minter L, Kim D, Gibbons J, Liu L, Li Z, Xiao H, Borlandelli V, Overkleeft H, Cloer E, Major M, Goldfarb D, Cai Z, Redinbo MR, Zhang G. Microbial enzymes induce colitis by reactivating triclosan in the mouse gastrointestinal tract. Nat Commun 13, 136 (2022).

Edwinson AL, Yang L, Peters S, Hanning N, Jeraldo P, Jagtap P, Simpson JB, Yang TY, Kumar P, Mehta S, Nair A, Breen-Lyles M, Chikkamenahalli L, Graham RP, De Winter B, Patel R, Dasari S, Kashyap P, Griffin T, Chen J, Farrugia G, Redinbo MR, Grover M. Gut microbial β-glucuronidases regulate host luminal proteases and are depleted in irritable bowel syndrome. Nat Microbiol. 2022 May;7(5):680-694. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01103-1. Epub 2022 Apr 28. PMID: 35484230; PMCID: PMC9081267.


Jacob P, Kim NH, Wu F, El-Kasmi F, Chi Y, Walton WG, Furzer OJ, Lietzan AD, Sunil S, Kempthorn K, Redinbo MR, Pei ZM, Wan L, Dangl JL. Plant "helper" immune receptors are Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channels. Science. 2021 Jun 17:eabg7917. doi: 10.1126/science.abg7917.

Parvez MM, Basit A, Jariwala PB, Gáborik Z, Kis E, Heyward S, Redinbo MR, Prasad B. Quantitative investigation of irinotecan metabolism, transport and gut microbiome activation. Drug Metab Dispos. 2021 Jun 1:DMD-AR-2021-000476. doi: 10.1124/dmd.121.000476.


Ervin SM, Simpson JB, Gibbs ME, Creekmore BC, Lim L, Walton WG, Gharaibeh RZ, Redinbo MR. Structural Insights into Endobiotic Reactivation by Human Gut Microbiome-Encoded Sulfatases. Biochemistry. 2020 Oct 13;59(40):3939-3950. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00711. Epub 2020 Sep 29.PMID: 32993284

Graboski, A.L., and Redinbo, M.R. Gut-Derived Protein-Bound Uremic Toxins. Toxins (Basel), 12(9), E590. (2020). PMID: 32932981

Ervin, S.M., and Redinbo, M.R. The Gut Microbiota Impact Cancer Etiology through “Phase IV Metabolism” of Xenobiotics and Endobiotics. Cancer Prevention Research, 13(8), 635-642. (2020). PMID: 32611614

Redinbo, M.R. The Microbiome Revolution Turns to Cholesterol. Cell Host & Microbe, 28(2), 154-156. (2020). PMID: 32791107

Mashbat, B., Bellos, E., Hodeib, S., Bidmos, F., Thwaites, R.S., Lu, Y., Wright, V.J., Herberg, J.A., Klobassa, D.A., Walton, W.G., Zenz, W., Hansel, T.T., Nadel, S., Langford, P.R., Schlapbach, L.J., Li, M., Redinbo, M.R., Di, Y.P., Levin, M, and Sancho-Shimizu, V. A Rare Mutation in SPLUNC1 Affects Bacterial Adherence and Invasion in Meningococcal Disease, Clinical Infectious Diseases,70(10), 2045-2053. (2020). PMID: 31504285

Bartolini, D., De Franco, F., Torquato, P., Marinelli, R., Cerra, B., Ronchetti, R., Schon, A., Fallarino, F., De Luca, A., Bellezza, G., Ferri, I., Sidoni, A., Walton, W.A., Pellock, S.J., Redinbo, M.R., Mani, S., Pellicciari, R., Gioiella, A., Galli, F. Garcinoic Acid is a Natural and Selective Agonist of Pregnane X Receptor. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 63, 3701-3712. (2020). PMID: 32160459

Bhatt, A.P., Pellock, S.J., Biernat, K.A., Walton, W.G., Wallace, B.D., Creekmore, B.C., Letertre, M.M., Swann, J.R., Wilson, I.D., Roques, J.R., Darr, D.B., Bailey, S.T., Montgomery, S.A., Roach, J.M., Azcarate-Peril, M.A., Sartor, R.B., Gharaibeh, R.Z., Bultman, S.J., and Redinbo, M.R. Targeted Inhibition of Gut Bacterial beta-Glucuronidase Activity Enhances Anticancer Drug Efficacy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 117, 7374-7381. (2020). PMID: 32170007

Dvorak, Z., Kopp, F., Costello, C.M., Kemp, J.S., Li, H., Vrzalova, A., Stepankova, M., Bartondova, I., Jiskrova, E., Poulikova, K., Vyhlidalova, B., Nordstroem, L.U., Karunaratne, C., Abbott, K., Chaudhury, C., De, A., Pondugula, S.R., Ranhotra, H., Mun, K.S., Anjaparavanda, N., Murray, I., Perdew, G.H., Brtko, J., Toporova, L., Schon, A., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R., Nieves, E., Sun, K., Beck, A., Kortagere, S., Mallick, P., Ghose, R., Luo, X., Duo, V., Yang, A., DesMarais, V., Neary, M.C., Liu, Q., Akki, A., Albanese, J.M., Qiu, Y., Kurland, I.J., Lukin, D.J., Coffin, B.A., Longo, M., Mei, Z.W., Hart, J., Chandran, A., Vishveshwara, S., Cavalluzzi, M.M., Lentini, G., Cui, J.Y., Gu, H., March, J.C., Byju, A., Chen, W., Chaterjee, S., Matson, A., Wright, D., and Mani, S. Targeting the Pregnane X Receptor Using Microbial Metabolite Mimicry. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 12, e11621. (2020). PMID: 32153125

Jariwala, P.B., Pellock, S.J., Goldfarb, D., Cloer, E.W., Artola, M., Simpson, J.B., Bhatt, A.P., Walton, W.G., Roberts, L.R., Major, M.B., Davies, G.J., Overkleeft, H.S., and Redinbo, M.R. Discovering the Microbial Enzymes Drive Drug Toxicity with Activity-Based Protein Profiling. ACS Chemical Biology, 15, 217-225. (2020). PMID: 31774274


Ervin, S.M., Hanley, R.P., Lim, L., Walton, W.G., Pearce, K.H., Bhatt, A.P., James, L.I., and Redinbo, M.R. Targeting Regorafenib-Induced Toxicity through Inhibition of Gut Microbial beta-Glucuronidases. ACS Chemical Biology, 14, 2737-2744. (2019). PMID: 31663730

Ervin, S.M., Li, H., Lim, L., Roberts, L.R., Liang, X., Mani, S., and Redinbo, M.R. Gut-Microbiome Derived Beta-Glucuronidases are Components of the Estrobolome that Reactive Estrogens. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294, 18586-18599. (2019). PMID: 31636122

Beck, A.P., Li, H., Ervin, S.M., Redinbo, M.R., and Mani, S. Inhibition of Microbial Beta-Glucuronidase Does Not Prevent Breast Carcinogenesis in the Polyoma Middle T Mouse. bioRxiv, 10.1101/746602,, (2019).

Creekmore, B.C., Gray, J.H., Walton, W.G., Biernat, K.B., Little, M.S., Xu, Y., Liu, J., Gharaibeh, R.Z., and Redinbo, M.R. Mouse Gut-Encoded -Glucuronidases Identified using Metagenome Analysis Guided by Protein Structure. mSystems, 4, pii: e00452-19. (2019). PMID: 31455640

Espenschied, S.T., Cronan, M.R., Matty, M.A., Mueller, O., Redinbo, M.R., Tobin, D.M., and Rawls, J.F. Epithelial Delamination is Protective During Pharmaceutical-Induced Enteropathy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 116, 16961-16970 (2019). PMID: 31391308

Mashbat, B., Bellos, E. Hodeib, S., Bidmos, F., Thwaites, R.S., Lu, Y., Wright, V., Herberg, J., Klobassa, D.S., Zenz, W., Hansel, T.T., Nadel, S., Langford, P.R., Schlapbach, L.J., Li, M.-S., Redinbo, M.R., Di, Y.P., Levin, M., and Sancho-Shimizu, V. A Rare Mutation in SPLUNC1 Underlies Meningococcal Disease Affecting Bacterial Adherence and Invasion. Clinical Infectious Disease, pii: ciz600. (2019). PMID: 31504285

Fan, T.-J., Goeser, L., Naziripour, A., Redinbo, M.R., and Hansen, J.J. Enterococcus faecalis Gluconate Phosphotransferase System Accelerates Experimental Colitis and Bacterial Killing by Macrophages. Infection and Immunity, 87, pii: e00080-19. (2019). PMID: 31036600

Pellock, S.J., Walton, W.G. and Redinbo, M.R. Selecting a Single Stereocenter: The Molecular Nuances that Differentiate beta-Hexuronidases in the Human Gut Microbiome. Biochemistry, 58, 1311-1317. (2019). PMID: 30729778

Pellock, S.J., Walton, W.G., Ervin, S.M., Torres-Rivera, D., Creekmore, B.C., Bergan, G., Dunn, Z.D., Li, B., Tripathy, A., and Redinbo, M.R. Discovery and Characterization of FMN-Binding beta-Glucuronidases in the Human Gut Microbiome. Journal of Molecular Biology, 431, 970-980. (2019). PMID: 30658055

Bhatt, A.P., Grillo, L., and Redinbo, M.R. “In Fimo”: A Term Proposed for Excrement Examined Experimentally. Gastroenterology, 156, 1232. (2019). PMID: 30553913

Biernat, K.A., Pellock, S.J., Bhatt, A.P., Bivins, M.M., Walton, W.G., Tran, B.N.T., Wei, L., Snider, M.C., Cesmat, A.P., Tripathy, A., Erie, D.A., and Redinbo, M.R. Structure, Function and Inhibition of Drug Reactivating Human Gut Microbial beta-Glucuronidases. Scientific Reports, 9, 825. (2019). PMID: 30696850

Shapiro, J.A., Varga, J.J., Parsonage, D., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R., Ross, L., White, L., Bostwick, R., Wuest, W.M., Claiborne, A., and Goldberg, J.B. Identification of Specific and Non-Specific Inhibitors of Bacillus anthracis Type III Pantothenate Kinase (PanK). ChemMedChem, 14, 78-82. (2019). PMID: 30376607


Pellock, S.J., Walton, W.G., Biernat, K.A., Torres-Rivera, D., Creekmore, B.C., Xu, Y., Liu, J., Tripathy, A., Stewart, L.J., and Redinbo, M.R. Three Structurally and Functionally Distinct beta-Glucuronidases from the Human Gut Microbe Bacteroides uniformis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293, 18559-18573. (2018). PMID: 30301767

Little, M.S., Ervin, S.M., Walton, W.G., Tripathy, A., Xu, Y., Liu, J. and Redinbo, M.R. Active Site Flexibility Revealed in Crystal Structures of Parabacteroides merdae beta-Glucuronidase from the Human Gut Microbiome. Protein Science, 27, 2010-2022. (2018). PMID: 30230652

Yu, Z., Deslouches, B., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R. and Di, Y.-P. Enhanced Biofilm Prevention Activity of a SPLUNC1-Derived Antimicrobial Peptide Against Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS ONE, 13, e0203621. (2018). PMID: 30216370

Pellock, S.J., Creekmore, B.C., Walton, W.G., Mehta, N., Biernat, K.A., Cesmat, A.P., Ariyarathna, Y., Dunn, Z.B., Li, B., Jin, J., James, L.I., and Redinbo, M.R. Gut Microbial beta-Glucuronidase Inhibition via Catalytic Cycle Interception. ACS Central Science, 4, 868-879. 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00239 (2018). PMID: 30062115

Little, M.S. and Redinbo, M.R. Crystal Structure of the Mouse Innate Immunity Factor BPIFA1. Acta Crystallographica, Section F, 74, 268-276 (2018). PMID: 29717993

Yauw, S.T.K., Arron, M., Lomme, R.M.L.M., van den Broek, P., Greupink, R., Bhatt, A.P., Redinbo, M.R., and van Goor, H. Microbial Glucuronidase Inhibition Reduces the Severity of Diclofenac-Induced Anastomotic Leak in Rats. Surgical Infections, 19, 417-423. doi: 10.1089/sur.2017.245 (2018). PMID: 29624485

Kim, C.S., Ahmad, S., Wu, T., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R., and Tarran R. SPLUNC1 is an Allosteric Modulator of the Epithelium Sodium Channel. FASEB J., 32, 2478-2491. doi: 10.1096/fj.201701126R (2018). PMID: 29295861

Biernat, K.A., Li, B., and Redinbo, M.R. Microbial Unmasking of Plant Glycosides. mBio, 9, e02433-17. (2018). Invited Commentary. PMID: 29382739

Little, M.S., Pellock, S.J., Walton, W.G., Tripathy, A. and Redinbo. M.R. Structural Basis for the Regulation of beta-Glucuronidase Expression by Human Gut Enterobacteriaceae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115, E152-E161. (2018). PMID: 29269393

Bhatt, A.P., Gunasekara, D., Speer, J.E., Reed, M.I., Peña, A., Midkiff, B., Magness, S., Bultman, S., Allbritton N.L., and Redinbo, M.R. NSAID-Induced Leaky Gut Modeled Using Polarized Monolayers of Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells. ACS Infectious Diseases, 12, 46-52. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.7b00139. (2018). PMID: 29094594

Pollet, R.M., D’Agostino, E.H., Walton, W.G., Xu, Y., Little, M.S., Biernat, K.A., Pellock, S.J., Patterson, L.M., Creekmore, B.C., Isenberg, H.N., Bahethi, R.R., Bhatt, A.P., Liu, J., Gharaibeh, R.Z., and Redinbo, M.R. An Atlas of beta-Glucuronidases in the Human Intestinal Microbiome. Structure, 25, 967-977. (2017). PMID: 28578872

Pellock, S.J. and Redinbo, M.R. Glucuronides in the Gut: Sugar-Driven Symbiosis between Microbe and Host. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292, 8569-8576. (2017). PMID: 28389557

Bellendir, S., Rognstad, D., Morris, L., Zapotoczny, G., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R., Ramsden, D., Sekelsky, J., and Erie, D.A. Substrate Preference of Gen Endonucleases Highlights the Importance of Branched Structures as DNA Damage Repair Intermediates. Nucleic Acids Research, 45, 5333-5348. (2017). PMID: 28369583

Bhatt, A.P., Redinbo, M.R., and Bultman, S.J. The Role of the Microbiome in Cancer Development and Therapy CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 67, 326-344. (2017). PMID: 28481406

Redinbo, M.R. Microbial Molecules from the Multitudes Within Us. Cell Metabolism, 25, 230-232. (2017). PMID: 28178564

Yu, A.-M., Ingelman-Sundberg, M., Cherrington, N., Aleksunes, L., Zanger, U.M., Xie, W., Jeong, H., Morgan, E., Turnbaugh, P.J., Klaassen, C.D., Bhatt, A.P., Redinbo, M.R., Hao, P., Waxman, D.J., Wang, L. Regulation of Drug Metabolism and Toxicity by Multiple Factors of Genetics, Epigenetics, lncRNAs, Gut Microbiota, and Diseases. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 7, 241-248. (2017). PMID: 283868695

Wu, T., Huang, J., Moore, P.J., Little, M.S., Walton, W.G., Fellner, R.C., Alexis, N.E., Di, P., Redinbo, M.R., Tilley, S.L., and Tarran, R. Identification of Short Palate Lung and Nasal Epithelial Clone 1 as an Epithelium-Derived Smooth Muscle Relaxing Factor. Nature Communications, 8, 14118. (2017). PMID: 28165446

Ahmad, S., Tyrrell, J., Walton, W.G., Tripathy, A., Redinbo, M.R., and Tarran, R. SPLUNC1 has Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity against Burkholderia cepacia Complex. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 60, 60003-6012. (2016). PMID: 27458217

Walton, W.G. Ahmad, S., Little, M.S., Kim, C., Tyrrell, J., Lin, Q., Di, Y.-P., Tarran, R., and Redinbo, M.R. Structural Features Essential to the Antimicrobial Functions of Human SPLUNC1. Biochemistry, 55, 2979-2991. (2016). PMID: 27145151

Ghodge, S., Biernat, K.A., Bassett, S.J., Redinbo, M.R., and Bowers, A.A. Post-Translational Claisen Condensation and Decarboxylation en Route to the Bicyclic Core of Pantocin A. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 5487-5490. (2016). PMID: 27088303

Pasquel, D., Doricakova, A., Li, H., Kortagere, S., Krasowski, M.D., Biswas, A., Walton, W.G., Redinbo, M.R., Dvorak, Z., and Mani, S. Acetylation of Lysine 109 Modulates Pregnane X Receptor DNA Binding and Transcriptional Activity. BBA - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, S1874-9399(16)30003-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2016.01.006. (2016). PMID: 26855179

Pollet, R.M., Ingle, J.D., Hymes, J.P., Eakes, T.C., Eto, K.Y., Kwong, S.M., Ramsay, J.P., Firth, N., and Redinbo, M.R. Processing of Non-Conjugative Resistance Plasmids by Conjugation Nicking Enzyme of Staphylococci. Journal of Bacteriology, 198, 888-897. (2015). PMID: 27628193

Wallace, B.D., Roberts, A.B., Pollet, R.M., Ingle, J.D., Biernat, K.A., Pellock, S.J., Venkatesh, M.K., Guthrie, L., O’Neal, S.K., Robinson, S.J., Dollinger, M., Figueroa, E., McShane, S.R., Cohen, R.D., Jin, J., Frye, S.V., Zamboni, W.C., Pepe-Ranney, C., Mani, S., Kelly, L., and Redinbo, M.R. Structure and Inhibition of Microbiome β-Glucuronidases Essential to the Alleviation of Cancer Drug Toxicity. Chemistry and Biology, 22, 1238-1249. (2015). PMID: 26364932

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